Dans le cadre du cours d’anglais, mes amis et moi avions dû réaliser une série de photos ayant un thème et les décrire en anglais. Nous avions choisi « la vie d’un étudiant en art » et sommes partis à l’école pour réaliser notre séance.

Parmi nos prises, nous en avons sélectionné quelques une pour notre travail:

On this picture, the main subject is the drawing and the model with a person trying to draw it cropped out. The angle is neutral for the model and the person drawing it but slightly bird eye for the drawing. The shot is either close up for the person drawing or medium for the model.
In this picture, we can see 5 people, perhaps attending the call of someone (or waiting for something to happen…). The photo was taken with a slightly low angle and with a medium shot for the most part. The composition is slightly asymmetrical when it comes to lighting.
This picture shows 3 men, presumably friends eating their meal during pause. The guy on the left is eating pasta while the 2 others are eating each a pizza. The person to the right is speaking, which explains why they’re looking at him. The picture was taken with a slight bird’s view at a medium shot.
On this photo, there are 3 men sitting on the floor. One of them is looking around while the other 2 are sharing stuff by using their phones. The picture was taken at a neutral angle with a medium to long shot due to one person being slight cropped out. The composition is asymmetrical since only the person to the right is the main focus of the picture.
On this photo, pictured at eye level with a medium shot, we can see two students sitting at the bar after a long day of work at school. Both are going to drink a beer, red fruit flavoured but not before having a toast first. The composition of the picture taken is symmetrical, with the two glasses in the center.

L’idée de ces photos est donc d’illustrer une journée pour des étudiants en art : cours de dessin, passer du temps ensemble lors des pauses, manger ensemble, attendre les cours suivants et bien sûr se permettre un rafraîchissement après une journée bien remplie !