Un rêve sans étoiles est un rêve oublié
Joan Mirò: exhibition
Joan Mirò: exhibition

Joan Mirò: exhibition

I visited the Joan Mirò exhibition at the BAM in Mons with the other students from school, keep mixed feelings about Miro’s artwork.

In the beginning of the exhibition, his pieces of art were realist and related to nature. A perfect example is « Mont-roig, le pont  » an oil painting from 1917 who was at the Joan Mirò exhibition.

Joan Mirò: exhibition in BAM

But the more we progressed in the visit; the more abstract it became forcing us to appeal to our own imagination. Example is the artistic work named “Femme oiseau I” painted in 1964.

My personal point of view is that appealing to people’s imagination is a good way to attract them. But you shouldn’t do it to the extreme point that they can’t distinguish anything.

Joan Mirò: exhibition in BAM

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